As 4th generation dairymen, the Scott family practices sustainable agriculture, which not only keeps the San Jacinto Valley beautiful, it also helps ensure the future of dozens of family farms. From the solar panels used to power the electricity to growing our own feed for our cattle, we strive to maintain not only a sustainable business but to also enrich our community.
Our cows eat our own feed grown on our own land in a warm comfortable climate year round. This low-stress life means they produce lots of milk naturally, without the use of bovine growth hormone (rBST).
Sustainable agriculture practices ensure the future of dozens of family farms in the Southern California area. Our family farm also ensures the preservation of green space in San Jacinto, which means all our local citizens benefit from their hard work
When it comes to reducing a carbon footprint and promoting sustainability, a new project at Scott Brothers Dairy is truly pioneering: the manure from this 1,100 cow dairy is being converted to a clean, renewable diesel fuel that can be used to operate the farm’s tractors and other machinery.
For more information visit: Ag Waste Solutions